Source code for enum_tools.demo

# noqa: D100

# stdlib
from enum import IntEnum, IntFlag
from typing import List

# this package
import enum_tools.documentation

__all__ = ["People", "NoMethods", "NoMemberDoc", "StatusFlags"]

enum_tools.documentation.INTERACTIVE = True

[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class People(IntEnum): """ An enumeration of people. """ Bob = bob = 1 # noqa # doc: A person called Bob # doc: another doc # isort: ignore Alice = 2 # doc: A person called Alice Carol = 3 """ A person called Carol. This is a multiline docstring. """
[docs] @classmethod def iter_values(cls): # noqa: MAN002 """ Iterate over the values of the Enum. """ return iter(cls) # pragma: no cover
#: A person called Dennis Dennis = 4
[docs] @classmethod def as_list(cls) -> List: """ Return the Enum's members as a list. """ return list(cls) # pragma: no cover
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class NoMethods(IntEnum): """ An enumeration of people without any methods. """ Bob = bob = 1 # noqa # doc: A person called Bob # doc: another doc # isort: ignore Alice = 2 # doc: A person called Alice Carol = 3 # doc: A person called Carol
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class NoMemberDoc(IntEnum): """ An enumeration of people without any member docstrings. """ Bob = bob = 1 Alice = 2 Carol = 3
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class StatusFlags(IntFlag): """ An enumeration of status codes. """ Running = 1 # doc: The system is running. Stopped = 2 # doc: The system has stopped. Error = 4 # doc: An error has occurred.
[docs] def has_errored(self) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """ Returns whether the operation has errored. """ return (self & 4) == self.Error